August 2023
Farewell July…hello August!
After a fairly disastrous July, as I was off most of it with the dreaded flu that did the rounds - back into August with a vengeance!
Starting to see more of the products announced in June shipping and after working on a few of the new MacBook Air 15” models, it’s a great piece of computer! The extra screen size but light weight is just great. Definitely going to be a popular machine.
This month I’m sure we’ll start to see more rumours for the iPhone 15 that should hopefully be announced next month, as that starts to get close.
So hopefully a good August for everyone!
iPhone 14 Pro versus iPhone 15 Pro
With the next revision of the iPhone (iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro) due next month, some of the additional rumoured features are starting to come out already.
It’s also (unfortunately) rumoured to be more expensive by about $100-$200 as well.
MacRumors has quite an interesting comparison of the features here. Worth the read if you’ve been wondering if you should upgrade next month or not.
If anyone wants to donate to my “iPhone 15 Pro fund”, I’ll happy take any donations towards it!
iOS 17 and Airdrop - some new features coming.
Macrumors had a fairly interesting article on some of the new AirDrop features coming with iOS17 including Name Drop, Proximity Sharing, Share Play and more.
You can read more about it here.
TPG/iinet/Westnet and subsidies to stop email hosting
Though not really Apple related, I thought I’d mention this here as I’m sure it will affect a lot of customers.
A few months ago TPG/iinet/Westnet “quietly” announced they will no longer be doing email hosting for their customers. For new customers it means they won’t get an email address with their internet account. And for current customers their email (if they choose to keep it) it will be moved off to another company. Realistically it’s been hosted on another platform for a while, so it’s not much of a change.
From some of the information on their relevant websites they have paid the new company up until September 2024. After that the new company will then invoice the customer if they want to carry on keeping their and similar email addresses.
You can read more about it on each of the companies website, for example iinet’s announcement is here.
(I’m an iinet customer, and only received a notification via email towards the end of August!. I was put on to it from another person).
And other people I spoke to also aren’t aware.
Though there is a bit of time before any “major changes” happen, it could be a good idea to look into options so you’re aware of it before it all changes.
If you need more information or want to discuss options, please feel free to contact me (or your ISP directly) and I’m happy to go through it with you.
Could also be a good time to look at your own Domain Name, which you can then keep “forever” as well.
You can find out information about this on my other business website (HostingServicesWA) here.
** BEWARE ** “MacStealer malware has been identified
A security research firm have identified a new piece of Apple malware dubbed “MacStealer”. It has the ability to grab iCloud passwords, files and credit card details stored in browsers.
Thankfully, it’s something you have to download first. So as long as you’re cautious where (and what) you download off the internet and be aware of any installer asking for your computer password, then hopefully you should be alright. As it has to have actions from the user to install it. So if you’re vigilant in reading installers, checking what things are installing and just being aware - then you shouldn’t fall for activating it.
You can read more about it here and here
If you don’t have it already then MalwareBytes for Mac is well worth grabbing (Even just the free version is fine), as they regularly update it with new things out there.
You can download it from here.
And as long as you’re cautious and vigilant and keep regular backups, plus the above checker, all should be okay.
Apple also have a background checker for a lot of things called XProtect, so hopefully we’ll see that get updated in the next few days as well. (Though as this can be run as a standard download with user input - it may be harder to check for. I’m sure Apple will release some info over the next few days on this also).
Have you considered if your computer stops working or could be down for quite a while?
If your computer crashes or is down for a long period time, or even if it’s going to be away for service work for a while, have you considered the down time this could cause to yourself, your work and/or business?
There is a way that an external drive can be set up beforehand where in these sort of circumstances you can still be up and running relatively easy - even if your computer has to go away for days to be repaired.
It’s a relatively cheap and easy process.
If you would like to find out more about how this can be set up for yourself or your business please feel free to drop me an email or call to discuss.
Be aware of “Fake webpages” advising you need to update.
So there is a bit of a rise on the number of webpages or fake links that will try to trick you into calling a number or clicking a link to “update” some piece of software.
I’ve written a page with a bit more info on it here
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